Matt Stone

What’s your name/nickname?
Matt Stone (no nickname)
Tell me about yourself.
Matt is a veteran saltwater kayak angler and freelance angling writer. He has been published in On The Water, Angler's Journal, The Farmer's Almanac. Coastal Angler Magazine, and FishTalk Magazine, as well as the Old Town, Tsunami, Hookd Gear, and BHO blogs. Matt's favorite species to target are stripers, followed closely by albies and tog. Matt has been at BHO for 3 years and does a bit of everything, including store management, social media, and dock work. His favorite part of the job is teaching someone a new fishing skill that helps them make a memory out on the water.
If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only pick three things to bring with you, what would they be?
If Matt were stuck on a deserted island, he would want a rod/reel with plenty of line, a water desalination system, and a blank Microsoft Word document with infinite writing space.
What would you consider as your “best day of summer”?
Matt''s best day of summer is one that starts at 1am under a starry sky, kayaking through foggy inshore waters and throwing live eels and topwater for big stripers.