Gene Chmiel

What’s your name/nickname?
Gene Chmiel (Geno)
Tell me about yourself.
When I'm not running between our various locations, you'll probably find me behind my Mac trying to catch up on creative and marketing for BHO. Prior to my full time focus on BHO, I spent 20+ years in retail marketing as Chief Creative Officer for Match Drive, one of the top 10 largest agencies in North America, as well as other marketing roles and agencies. I spend my days now working with the crew here at BHO, looking to create branded experiences for all of our customers and visitors. Here at BHO we are "Salty to the Core" and hope to share that mindset and vibe to all that walk, talk, and click through Black Hall Outfitters. My passion for fishing, bowhunting, and all things outdoors is what motivates me, and I love being able to share experiences with customers, and help get them out on their own adventures!
If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only pick three things to bring with you, what would they be?
If I were stuck on a deserted island, the 3 things I would need would be a bottle of Single malt scotch, a fine cigar, and a copy of Van Halen 1 (and hopefully the album comes with a record player!)
What would you consider as your “best day of summer”?
Coming home from a fishing trip to Block island, with filets in tow, and firing up the grill by the bonfire pit!